126th Cobargo Show
Friday 7th to Sunday 9th February 2025
Trade Space Information
and download form
Held every year in February at the iconic Cobargo Showground, the Cobargo Show is a lively exposition of rural life, the agriculture, horticulture and non-stop entertainment, a showcase for livestock, food, arts and crafts and the best of the region.
Exhibiting at Cobargo Show will enable you to:
Promote and sell your products and services,
Activate new and existing customers,
Sample products and services,
Build brand awareness,
Leverage media and advertising exposure generated by the Show,
Launch a new product or generate new customers and sales leads,
Gain exposure to motivated Show patrons.
2025 Show - What you need to know
We hold a three-day show - Trade sites are to arrive on Thursday 6th February 2025.
'Priority shall be given to local traders and returning trade sites.
Please be aware that we only have limited positions available for food stalls and coffee vans.
The Trade Policy is at the discretion of the Executive Committee and shall be assessed and amended as required by them.
Apply Now
Click on PDF to download application form, prohibited item list and information sheet, then email all forms to Trade site Coordinator email: tradesitecobargoshow@yahoo.com
Email: tradesitecobargoshow@yahoo.com